Welcome, Welcome! We are on Day 3/30-Day Journal Entry Challenge!

** On our Facebook and Twitter pages, we are posting the prompt of the day to remind everyone which day we’re on. To download the 30-Day Journal Entry Challenge Calendar, you can subscribe to our Weekly Journal Prompt Newsletter. In the Welcome Message, you’ll have access to the file!**

Welcome the Prompt: Day 3/30-Day Journal Entry Challenge

Day 3/30-Day Journal Entry Challenge asks us: ”What’s something I wish I could do right now, but can’t?”

When we are first asked this, sometimes we include limitations that were specifically excluded.

“If you could do anything…” and then we immediately start thinking of the reason why we can’t. You may think of your financial limitations, or you’ll think of your bodily limitations. We automatically submit to limiting ourselves because we are conditioned to think we need reasons to live comfortably, or without struggle.

Not this time. All bets are off. Purposefully put yourself in a position where you had complete freedom, are 100% confident, and trust yourself on this: what is “this”? How is this activity freeing? What is this boundary we’re finally pushing? What is it we are going to create?

What‘s something you wish you could do, but can’t?

Now why?

You can either answer why you can’t, or why you want to. Journal Your Truth!

Thank You!

Thank you for journaling with us & joining this #JournalChallenge and our #journalcommunity

If you’d like to download the full 30-Day Journal Entry Challenge, you can do so by subscribing to our Weekly Journal Prompt Newsletter! Subscribe here: https://mailchi.mp/…/sending-happi-vibes-journaling… In the Welcome Message, you’ll gain access to the PDF file & also, have access to weekly journal prompts delivered to your email

Thank you again for joining, sharing, participating and being part of the journaling club & our challenge!

You are what makes the club, a club