Hello, hello! How are you? We are starting the #promptoftheday with Day 2 of our 30-Day Journal Entry Challenge, titled: “What’s Been in the Back of Your Mind?”

**On our Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter pages, we are posting the prompt of the day to remind everyone which day we’re on. To download the 30-Day Journal Entry Challenge Calendar, you can subscribe to our Weekly Journal Prompt Newsletter. In the Welcome Message, you’ll have access to the file!**

Today’s prompt asks us: “What’s been in the back of my mind lately?”

Day 2 Prompt: What’s Been in the Back of my Mind?

Page 1 Day 2/30-Day Journal Entry Challenge "What's been in the back of your mind?"

This open-ended question can still have infinite answers, that is because it’s so important! Open-ended questions still often reveal bigger situations because we can go down the path of one answer so easily and so quickly and so forth. What’s been in the back of your mind lately? You are free to bring those thoughts & feelings to the front.

Sometimes, when there isn’t a space to think quietly, or, in short, there isn’t time to sort out our thoughts, we can build those thoughts up in our minds, in hope that maybe the thoughts will go away, eventually, but then it can end up hurting us if we don’t get those feelings out. That’s why when journaling, it’s good to just write out those feelings and problems. If you ever want to remember that time or those feelings, you can read your journal entry about it.

Do you have an eerie feeling lingering, and you have no one to get a second opinion from? Do you have super great news and you’re unsure who to tell? Is there a person you want to tell your true feelings to, but you still don’t have the guts, despite you two being close? Even so, how would you go about that? What’s been in the back of your mind lately?

Bring it to the front.

Thank you for journaling with us & joining this #JournalChallenge and our #journalcommunity

Finally, if you’d like to download the Full 30-Day Journal Entry Challenge Calendar, you can surely do so by following this link to the Jenuine Journal Challenges page, you can also follow our Facebook post here!

Thank you again for joining, sharing, participating and being part of the journaling club & our challenge!

And lastly,

You are what makes the club, a club!